Home Soonr Lets You View All Your Documents on the iPhone

Soonr Lets You View All Your Documents on the iPhone

We are still hoping to see a full office suite on the iPhone, but while there are already some apps that allow you to edit documents on the phone, the device’s size currently makes it more useful for reading documents than actually creating them. Today, Soonrlaunched an application in the App Store (iTunes link) that allows you to sync files from your desktop to Soonr’s online storage and then view them on your iPhone. Soonr can handle over 40 different file types and provides you with 500 megabytes of free online storage.

UI and Features

While you currently have to complete the registration on your iPhone, the central hub for getting started is really Soonr’s desktop client, which is basic, but gets the job done. The client, which is available for Mac and Windows, lets you choose which files to sync to Soonr’s servers and gives you an overview of how much online storage you have been using and the latest status updates. Soonr also provides a web interface that lets you manage all your documents.

The iPhone interface was clearly designed with the user in mind. A dashboard provides you with all the latest updates like newly added files and folders, or printed documents. You can also browse through your files and view them with a more traditional file browser.

One feature we would like to see here is the ability to bookmark folders that you often use, so that you don’t have to navigate the directory tree every time you want to access a new file.

Finding and Sharing Files

While the file browser is useful, those of us with a large number of files on their computers will surely welcome Soonr’s search function, which allows you to search inside your files.

Soonr also makes it incredibly easy to share files. You can share files directly with other Soonr users, or send an email or SMS with an invitation. You can also forward files as attachments to any email address.

One feature we would like to see here is integration with the iPhone contacts application. It would also be great if you could upload files to Soonr by forwarding an email to the service. That way, whenever you get a document that isn’t natively supported by the iPhone mail client, you could access it through Soonr.

Remote Printing

Another useful feature of Soonr is the ability to print files remotely. The desktop client automatically discovers the default printer on your computers and the print job completes without any further interaction.


Soonr is one of the most useful productivity apps we have seen for the iPhone. Some web apps like Syncplicity also let you access your cloud storage, but they can’t provide the ease of use and compatibility with a large number of file types in the same way a native application like Soonr can.

In the long run, it would be great if Soonr would also let you edit files on the iPhone, but even without this feature, it’s already incredibly useful.

Soonr company profile provided by TradeVibes

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