If you’re as addicted to RSS feeds as we here at ReadWriteWeb, then you’ve no doubt tried Snackr, an Adobe Air based RSS ticker that provides a scrolling readout of all the latest information from your favorite feeds. It’s as riveting as it is useful.

Now, you could have the chance to help influence where Snackr goes in the future by joining the Snackr beta program.
When we first encountered Snackr in May, Marshall Kirkpatrick was “absolutely giddy about it after only a few minutes of use.” And his opinion hasn’t cooled. He recently named it one of the “Top 10 RSS Syndication Products of 2008.”
When Marshall initially reviewed the product, however, he did have a few enhancement requests, like bulk feed management and a bookmarklet. In essence, he served as a beta tester. Now you can play a similar role – officially.
Narciso Jaramillo, the developer behind Snackr, is rolling out the official beta group in conjunction with the test release of Snackr v.0.39, which includes some new features – like always showing the most current item across all feeds, autostart, and separating Snackr from the Windows taskbar – in addition to a number of bug fixes.
Users of all experience levels are needed for the beta group, from complete novice to daily users. Participants must be willing test new builds and respond to surveys about features and functionality. To apply, complete the Snackr beta list signup form.