Home Smartphone Game: Taxi Simulator Available in Tizen Store

Smartphone Game: Taxi Simulator Available in Tizen Store

Taxi Simulator is a game where you have to drive a taxi to pick and drop people off without killing them or yourself or damaging the taxi too much. Keep that in mind! You need to pick the person up, then the timer starts when you need to drop them off to their desired destination. When you play and press start, you get a choice of a taxi (you have one default taxi and you need to buy the rest with the virtual money you get paid by the person you did not kill whilst driving.) (ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED!)
When you have chosen the taxi you want to drive with, you start and the first thing that pops up is the explanation. It says ‘Pick up passanger from the green pointed parking point on the mapand drop them on the red pointed parking point. The time will start when you have picked the passanger up from the green parking point.’ The controls are simple, the is a steering wheel to steer the taxi left or right, a brake to obviously stop, and the accelorator for going faster. (It’s helpful when you are running out of time and you need to get to the destination ASAP!) There is also a damage bar- to see how much more damage the car can take until game over, a time- so you can know how much time you have left, and a speed meter- so you can know how fast you are going. You can also change the camera point of view to fit your needs.
The game has really nice 3D graphics, the sound is also really nice and realistic (like the crashing and other drivers honking their horns.) Taxi Simulator has been rated four point two out of five by forty four people. The developer, Binu Mulckal Babu, has currently made two other games- Train Simulator 3D and Truck Racing 3D.


Taxi Simulator is available now in the Tizen Store for FREE with a download size of 73.7MB. If you are a developer and you want your app or game reviewed by us, then contact us at [email protected]

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