Skinni Popcorn is a new app that integrates movie-related tweets, movie trailers, New York Times reviews (when available), and synopses of films, all in a mobile-friendly app that looks great on an iPhone.

Created by digital shop mN, Skinni Popcorn was created because “sometimes you just quickly want to know ‘is this film worth seeing?'” according to the website. Also, the creators think that people enjoy reading mini-reviews from real people in addition to the opinions of film critics. All of this information is packaged in a concise, easily digestible format and seems to work well so far.
Skinni Popcorn also includes links to Yahoo! Movies pages for each film.
mN creative director Brendan Dawes is quoted on the site as saying, “Skinni Popcorn is effectively a movie review site that’s been on a very strict diet. We removed the unneeded and just left the needed so people can fire it up, get a quick overview of whether a film is worth seeing, powered by everyday people like you, and then get on with the rest of the day.”

It would be great if mN had developed a sentiment barometer or found a way to plug in the percentage ratings from Rotten Tomatoes, the reigning movie review site of our day. Another glaring and almost unforgivable oversight is the inability to buy movie tickets directly from the app.
Other app omissions to be included soon are DVD reviews and search. We hope Netflix integration will follow soon.