The team behind microblogging service Pownce announced on the company blog today that it is joining blog software company SixApart and closing Pownce in two weeks. Pownce left private beta with a big launch just 11 months ago but the service never grew beyond a core group of fans.
The Pownce team says it plans to “come back with something much better in 2009.” We’re excited to see what Pownce co-founders Leah Culver and Mike Malone do at SixApart; it should be a very good environment for them to innovate in.
This is the second move where well known innovators have taken their technology and brains to a bigger company and shuttered their startup that we’ve reported on in a week. Last week open source star Rael Dornfest sold his personal assistant startup Sandy to Twitter.
Though these startups were inspiring, we also think it quite noteworthy that even at a down time economically there are still jobs for super smart people. We covered the Pownce/SixApart deal in greater depth at our hire-tracking site Jobwire. See that coverage for more details about the technology that Pownce will bring to SixApart.