Home Sharjah Islamic Bank now supports Samsung Pay

Sharjah Islamic Bank now supports Samsung Pay

Samsung’s Electronic payment platform, Samsung Pay is growing deep into the far East and as of now, many banks and shopping centers in the Middle East support this payment method. Yesterday, Samsung Gulf Electronics announced that Sharjah Islamic Bank is the latest bank in the UAE to support this payment system following the likes of Mashreq Bank, RAKBANKLandmark Stores, and others. Samsung Pay is a simple, secure, and easy way of making payment and now, customers of Sharjah Islamic Bank can now make payment for goods or services using their Mastercard, Credit, Debit or Prepaid Cards via Samsung Pay.
Mohammad Gharaibeh, Head of Enterprise – Mobile Business, Samsung Gulf Electronics said

“We are very pleased and excited to have Sharjah Islamic Bank come onboard as our partner for Samsung Pay in the UAE,”…”The partnership with Sharjah Islamic Bank, alongside our ecosystem of partners across payment networks, banks, retailers, and merchants, assures customers that they will be able to enjoy the full benefits of using Samsung Pay almost anywhere.”

On its part, Sharjah Islamic Bank Head of Retail Banking Group, Nabil Abou Alwan, said

“Sharjah Islamic Bank is committed to bringing the latest technology in banking services to its valued customers. Our partnership with Samsung is an important milestone in our digital banking strategy and we are proud to be the first Islamic bank in the region to bring payment solutions on this platform without the need of a physical card.”…“All Sharjah Islamic Bank Cardholders who have credit, debit and prepaid cards will be able to take advantage of this new, easy to use and secured technology for almost all their payments at points of sale.”

One of the major advantages of Samsung Pay is that it works almost everywhere. This payment platform works wherever you have Near Field Communication (NFC) or with Samsung’s patented Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) technology. The good news is that MST is quite popular thus Samsung Pay should work at most of the sales centers you visit. And even when there is no MST, you will probably have NFC thus you can still use Samsung Pay at that terminal. This allows Samsung Pay to function almost anywhere cards are accepted. Shoppers can securely pay for their purchases using their Samsung smartphone or smartwatch.

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