We love it when members of the ReadWriteWeb community share links with us to things we might like to write about. In order to make that easier to do, thus hopefully something you’ll do more of, we’re posting a bookmarklet you can drag up to your browser toolbar and click anytime you’re on a page you want to share with the ReadWriteWeb staff.
We may get a little spam at this email (please don’t send any, ok?) but we want to make it as easy as possible for people to share links with us. We sift through thousands and thousands of links every day already – so please send more. Looking at a web page and wondering if you should send a link to it our way? The answer is yes, we want it. We’ll filter though the pile for the most actionable information in the short term and we’ll file away in our brains the best information as background. When you want to read that special ReadWriteWeb take on things – click that button and send them our way.
We’ve got a healthy staff of about 10 writers and researchers (and a small army of robots, it’s true), but why limit story discovery to our own staff? If you’d like to help, your help will be much appreciated.
What do you think of this idea? We’d love to hear any feedback you’ve got – we don’t know why we didn’t think of it earlier.
Thanks to Jay Meattle of Shareaholic for providing the javascript to make this elegant!