If you’ve never spent time on the Secret app, you should know it’s pretty addictive. It’s where people anonymously post thoughts they’d never admit out loud—from the serious to the hilarious. And you often find yourself nodding along because you feel that way, too. That’s especially true when you read the ones that would only come up in the 21st century … thoughts about the iPhone, Facebook, YouTube, texting, and more. The following 22 examples are waiting for you.

File that under texting problems.
Time for a digital detox?
Sounds like a sign you’re addicted to Netflix.
Try this battery fix ASAP.
At least it’s not as bad as this Tinder date.
Ugh, and that your summer wasn’t memorable unless it involved all of this.
We take Missed Connections seriously around here, and that’s just cruel.
Probably talking about the Kim Kardashian game, aren’t you?
But at least you can always hide them without them ever knowing?
Yeah, we’ve done that.
No more rEaLlY cOoL AIM names.
OK, that’s actually a genius tech hack.
That wouldn’t be a bad idea.
At least it wasn’t a person with a tiger.
De-friending happens when you’re one of these annoying people on Facebook.
As long as it’s not like Entourage.
File under: Tinder problems.
And you all know the types of employees at every startup.
Poor Windows users.
Women of tech, let’s make ourselves heard!
But are you wearing space shoes?
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Lead image by Henry Burrows