Home Samsung’s Android Go smartphone won’t run stock Android, leaked pictures reveal

Samsung’s Android Go smartphone won’t run stock Android, leaked pictures reveal

Samsung’s first Android Go smartphone may not be running stock Android, the latest leak reveals. The leaked pictures suggest the device to have the Go versions of Google’s apps installed over Samsung’s proprietary Experience UX. The phone is expected to debut as the Galaxy J2 Core, with model numbers SM-J260F, SM-J260M, and SM-J260G.

Android Go apps over Samsung Experience UX

SamMobile has got hands on some exclusive pictures of the purported Android Go device from Samsung. To everyone’s surprise, the device looks to run Samsung’s Experience UX instead of the stock Android. However, if we dig deep, the official Android Go website also doesn’t promise the presence of stock Android on devices based on the Android Go programme. It’s only meant to offer an optimised experience on low-end hardware with apps that use less memory and storage space. This is likely the reason why Samsung is providing its native experience on the Galaxy J2 Core.

Image courtesy: SamMobile
As you can see in the picture above, the experience seems similar to that of Samsung’s premium offerings, including the Galaxy S9. Though the Android Go device doesn’t have an Infinity display, it does feature on-screen keys for navigation. The Quick Panel has toggles for Wi-Fi, Sound, Bluetooth, Torch, Flight Mode, and more, and the icons are also similar to those we see in the flagship Galaxy model.
Image courtesy: SamMobile
For data saving and storage management functionality, Samsung seems to have switched back to the Smart Manager app that came preloaded on its devices until 2016. However, its abilities should be more or less similar to the Device Maintenance tool we see on modern Galaxy smartphones.
Image courtesy: SamMobile
There’s still no word on when the Galaxy J2 Core will hit the market. But, we know it’s being tested in a number of markets around the world. A supposed spec sheet of the device was also leaked last month. Considering the number of leaks in the recent past, the device shouldn’t be too far from an official launch.

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