The Samsung Z2 was launched recently in India for a price of Rs. 4,590. The Z2 is the first 4G enabled smartphone from Samsung and the company are promoting the handset with free 90 days of unlimited 4G internet and voice call service courtesy of Reliance Jio. The smartphone has received a lot of fine tuning compared to the rather poorly made Samsung Z1 and should pack up to be a decent entry level smartphone.
Being one of the largest Tizen reporting website in the world, the lasting one should expect is for us to not have the Samsung Z2 after its launch. And hence here we are today to unbox the latest Tizen mobile offering from Samsung.
Like most of Samsung’s budget handsets, the packaging is pretty minimal and is nothing to write home about. The contents of the box include the smartphone, a 1500 mah battery, user manual and warranty card, Wall charger and a pair of headphones.
Samsung have gone with a rather weak 5V 0.7 A charger and the earphones are better left in the box untouched than listen to and hurt your ears. But you can’t argue for anything more at that price point these days.
Have a look at the complete unboxing video below: