Home Will Samsung launch their first Tizen Smart Phone in Russia next month?

Will Samsung launch their first Tizen Smart Phone in Russia next month?

Recently Yoon Han-kil, senior vice president of Samsung’s product strategy team, has confirmed that Samsung will release their first Tizen device in the Q2 2014. We didn’t know the exact when and the where to its release.
Now according to a the website Tizen Indonesia, Samsung will release their first Tizen device in Russia next month, this information is according to a “Samsung Official in Korea”. We have already had Tizen Smart Cameras and Smart Watches released, and the release of the Tizen Smartphone is seen as an important component in connecting the Tizen ecosystem. We will also see Tizen TV and a Tizen washing machine joining the ecosystem this year.
The hardware and design of the Samsung Tizen Smartphone is apparently on the same lines as the Samsung Galaxy S4. Russia is seen as an important market to Samsung, as the smartphone market still quite young and can be developed further, as well as in Brazil and other developing markets.

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