Home Samsung to unveil Tizen Devices at a Special Mobile World Congress 2014 Event

Samsung to unveil Tizen Devices at a Special Mobile World Congress 2014 Event

Over the last year there has been a lot of momentum gathered by the Tizen Operating System. The Tizen Association has launched its Partner Program with 36 New Members to help propel Tizen forward, more development frameworks are now supporting Tizen, and more even more companies are porting their games and applications to our HTML5 centric OS.
Sadly we have been missing one key ingredient and that is Devices. Fear no more, Intel and Samsung have been sending out email invites to an “unveil Event” that is lined up the day before Mobile Word Congress 2014 (MWC 2014), Feb 23rd with Samsung showing Tizen devices.

As per the invitation, attendees will be treated to “an exclusive sneak preview of the newest Tizen devices as well as an opportunity to learn about the major milestones that the Tizen project has hit since last year’s event.”

Analysts believe that now is the time for Samsung to strike if it plans on making any notable impact on the smartphone market.
“It’s pretty simple,” CCS Insight VP Geoff Blaber tells ITNews. “At Mobile World Congress [Samsung] has to show commercial devices.”
Samsung has been committed to providing a rich consumer experience which has led to the OS being delayed from last years anticipated release. Yesterday we saw some pictures of what the OS could potentially look like and I for one, like what I see.
See you guys at MWC2014 😉

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