The latest bit of Tizen product news is that Samsung will be announcing the Gear Solo SM-R710 during IFA 2014, as reported by Yonhap News. We’ve been receiving constant leaks about this device over the last couple of months, and it will be a Tizen based Smartwatch that will feature a SIM card slot, and allow you to makes voice calls and use data on your wrist without the need to connect it to a Smartphone, like you have to do at the moment with the Samsung Gear 2 and other Smartwatches.
This isn’t a feature that directly appeals to me, but there are lots of people who want an all in one solution. We are also curious to see how the question of battery drain has been resolved, as a Smartwatch has a relatively small battery, and a cellular modem can use huge amounts of energy just to maintain network connectivity.
Roll on IFA 2014 !!!!!