Samsung have announced the start of its mass production of the Exynos 7 Dual 7270 processor. This is the first mobile application processor (AP) which has been specifically designed for wearable devices, can you say Gear devices ?, built with 14-nanometer (nm) FinFET process technology. Amazingly if you look at the size of this little wonder, it also feature full connectivity and LTE modem integration.
“The Exynos 7270 presents a new paradigm for system-on-chips (SoC) dedicated to wearables,” said Ben K. Hur, Vice President of System LSI Marketing at Samsung Electronics.
At the heart of the Exynos 7270 you find two quite powerful Cortex®-A53 cores that make good use of the 14nm process, and achieve 20 percent improvement in power efficiency when compared to the previous 28nm process. This increase in potential battery life is key to wearables which you do not tend to charge on the go.
Another great feature is the Integration of a Cat.4 LTE 2CA modem, that will enable wearable devices to be able to achieve standalone connectivity and therefore do not need to be tethered to a smartphone or near WiFi. If thats not enough connectivity you also get FM Radio, and location-based services with GNSS (global navigation satellite system) solutions.
The Exynos 7270 is the processor that will be powering the next Tizen Smartwatch, the Samsung Gear S3. You can find out more Information on Samsung’s Exynos products here.