Home Samsung SmartThings Smart Home Hub on Sale for $83.88

Samsung SmartThings Smart Home Hub on Sale for $83.88

The smart home is becoming more and more popular nowadays. There are a lot of devices that are being released every day that aid in making your home smarter.

These devices can be connected to your Wi-Fi, through which you can control your home.

Smart Hub

The smart home is still very much in its infancy. There is no single hub that is the ultimate device for smart home control and automation. However, these hubs are getting better with time. There are some great devices out there if you are into Home Automation. Samsung SmartThings Smart Hub is one of the good devices.
Samsung became a top dog in the Home Automation industry, which started with its acquisition of SmartThings back in 2014.

Samsung’s take on Home Security

Recently Samsung SmartThings launched a Home Security System in collaboration with ADT. This a DIY System, with the ADT monitoring. You can learn more about it here.

Samsung SmartThings is one of the best ways to turn your home smarter. All you got to do is set up the Samsung Smart Hub and connect it to compatible smart devices including lights, speakers, locks, thermostats, sensors and more.

The SmartThings Smart Hub acts as a brain to a bunch of smart devices. The hub connects wirelessly with these sensors and makes them work together. Once the hub is set up, you can control all your devices directly from your mobile device.
The SmartThings hub is a great way to pull all of your smart home devices together. The Hub can be controlled with your Moblie Phone through the SmartThings App from anywhere in the world.
Samsung also released a SmartThings Link, that can interface with the Nvidia Shield TV, thus turning your Shield TV into a central Hub. Even though the Smart Link and the Hub work in a similar way, we do not know if any of the devices is better than the other.

Compatible Devices

The compatible devices include various lights, speakers, locks, thermostats, Smoke detectors, CO2 sensors, and more. The SmartThings Hub is also working with Amazon Alexa, Google Home too.
The Samsung SmartThings Hub is now available on Amazon for a dicounted price of $83.88 and that too with free shipping.

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