Home Samsung SDS invited to join Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, makes South Korea history

Samsung SDS invited to join Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, makes South Korea history

Global Blockchain group Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), a group devoted to enterprise blockchain solutions based on the Ethereum protocol, is made up of corporate enterprise giants such as Microsoft, Intel, ING, and JP Morgan, but the group has now selected none other than Samsung SDS to join its ranks. The announcement was made at the group’s Consensus 2017 Blockchain Summit in New York on May 22nd.
Samsung SDS makes history with the EEA invite, becoming the very first South Korean company to experience the honor. Samsung SDS was chosen based on its ability to develop enterprise blockchain solutions such as digital ID card and payment services on the corporate-standard Nexledger TM, as well as run them with Samsung SDS’s very own Samsung Card services. Blockchain solutions allow companies to maintain their financial records and other pertinent data at the individual computer level, preventing server hackings from stealing the majority of enterprise data.
Samsung SDS intends to expand the use of the Ethereum protocol from financial sectors such as banking, stock trading, and insurance screening to more public service sectors such as manufacturing, distribution, and medical care. Earlier this year, Samsung SDS announced an Enterprise Mobility Management security solution for its Tizen-powered Gear smartwatches to give companies greater control over enterprise security.

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