Over the last few weeks, Samsung has started teasing the use of Samsung Pay in India. One of the big “give aways” is the fact that latest Samsung Smartphone firmware updates in the country have also started seeing the Introduction of the Samsung Pay app, after all they wouldn’t bundle it in for nothing and usually this is a good indicator that the launch is not too far off.
We have previously reported that India will get Samsung Pay in Q1 2017 so this would suggest that things are still on track. There are no Tizen smartphones that support Samsung Pay at the moment, so our main Interest at this point is for the Gear S2 / S3 smartwatches, that launched in India last month, to support it.
According to a recent report, American Express will be one of Samsung Pay’s launch partner’s in India and that the company is investigating partnerships with Visa and MasterCard as well.
“Samsung Pay is Almost Here,” the app says
The Galaxy Note 5 Samsung Pay app in India also has a type of tutorial of sorts that confirms to customers that “soon you’ll have safe and simple mobile payments available virtually anywhere.” You are then highlighted as to how simple it is to actually use the app – All you need to do is swipe up on the screen, hold the phone close to the payment terminal and authorise the payment using the fingerprint sensor.
Users will get a notification once the service has been officially released in the country.