Home Samsung overtakes Fitbit as No.2 in Global wearable electronics market in Q1 2017

Samsung overtakes Fitbit as No.2 in Global wearable electronics market in Q1 2017

As the wearable electronics industry continues to show a solid growth year on year, the competition among wearable electronics leaders such as Apple, Samsung, Garmin, Fitbit, Xiaomi, etc to grab hold of the maximum market share is getting more intense. Apple continues to hold a firm lead in Q1 2017 with its massive 53-percent market share courtesy-Apple Watch and Apple Watch 2 smartwatches.
However, the second position is where things have gotten interesting as according to Strategy Analytics’ data, Samsung has finally overtaken Fitbit during the Q1, 2017 period. Samsung got hold of a 12.8 percent global market share in terms of shipments compared to Fitbit’s 12.2 percent. This growth is a reflection of the widespread popularity of the Tizen based Gear S3 smartwatch from Samsung.
As Android Wear failed to appeal to the majority of Android users (things are subject to change with the Android Wear 2.0 update) and Fitbit’s late entry into the smartwatch business as well as a decrement in its fitness bands demand meant that Samsung’s Gear S2 and the Gear S3 happened to be the ultimate choice for “less-compromise” smartwatches currently in the market.
Samsung however is still far behind Apple (16 percent), Xiaomi (15.5 percent) and Fitbit (12.3 perecent) in terms of total product shipment as its cheaper Gear Fit 2 wasn’t as that much of a hit thanks to much cheaper alternatives for fitness trackers from the likes of the aforementioned Fitbit, Xiaomi and Garmin.

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