Home Samsung’s Next Galaxy Gear Smartwatch to run Tizen at Mobile World Congress

Samsung’s Next Galaxy Gear Smartwatch to run Tizen at Mobile World Congress

According to Insiders it looks like Samsung will be unveiling a number of Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatches at Mobile World Congress 2014 next week. To many the current Galaxy Gear was a bit clunky, not waterproof and battery life that was just a little pathetic.
The Interesting bit is that it looks like Samsung wants Tizen to be running on their Smartwatch and are prepared to ditch Android, and its not any old version of Tizen but a special HTML5 version of Tizen. Could this version provide better battery performance on a Smartwatch? The short answer is yes if you consider how Tizen is currently performing on Smartphones *cough*
It is thought that Googles next Smartwatch OS will be a lot more closed with regards to sharing code with their partners and this is a huge reason for Samsung to go forward with a HTML5 Tizen Smartwatch.
We will bring you more Information directly from Mobile World Congress. Follow us on Twitter for the fastest news!

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