Home Samsung India to hire 2,500 engineers in the next three years

Samsung India to hire 2,500 engineers in the next three years

In a bid to ramp up research and development (R&D) talent in India, Samsung India will be hiring 2,500 engineering graduates from the country’s top institutes in the next three years. 1,000 graduates will be employed within this placement season, mainly to bolster IoT, AI and other modern-age technology domains. The move is being touted as one of the largest recruitment drive by Samsung India.
“A majority of these fresh hires will be for new-age domains such as Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data and biometrics,” Dipesh Shah, global senior vice president at Samsung, was quoted as saying to The Economic Times. “1,000 engineering graduates will be absorbed this year in the company’s R&D centres in Bengaluru, Noida and Delhi,” he added.
The South Korean giant has been hiring aggressively this placement season. The Company has participated actively in campus placement programs in various institutes so far, including NITs, Manipal Institute, BITS Pilani and many more. In the final phase of the placement programs, Samsung is hiring from the IITs. It is learnt that the company will hire over 300 graduates from the IITs alone.

Samsung R&D Institute India, Bangaluru, is the Company’s biggest R&D center outside South Korea. Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, augmented reality, machine learning and networks are the core field of work in Bengaluru. In Noida, Samsung mainly focuses on research on biometrics, mobile software and data security. Delhi R&D center primarily works on Smart TVs, consumer electronics and Tizen OS. The three centers together employ about 8,000 workers.
“Samsung is extremely bullish on R&D in India. Our R&D centres in India work on cutting-edge technology to develop innovations that are centred on Indian customers’ preferences and also contribute significantly to global products. There is a large need for talent. We will be hiring across streams like computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics and applied mechanics, among others,” said Saha.

Samsung has cited the need for physical talent as the main reason for this aggressive hiring. However, the competition from Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi might also have something to do with it. Xiaomi caught up Samsung as India’s biggest smartphone brand with both the companies accounting for 23.5% of the smartphone market in the country in the third quarter of 2017. The bulk of revenues for Samsung are generated by smartphones. So, this is something that Samsung needs to work on.

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