The Tizen Samsung Gear 2 has certainly been out for a while now, but it seems that it has more admirers than we initially thought. The Gear 2 is so good that they have actually started copying it in China, model Smartwatch LX36.
In the looks department it looks similar to our Gear 2, but the processor is a MediaTek MTK6260A clocked at only 300Mhz with 128Mb RAM, which is nothing in comparison to the original Gear 2’s dual-core processor Exynos 3250 1.0GHz and 512MB RAM memory.
The ‘pretender’ Smartwatch LX36 is said to be running Tizen, but we can’t see how this is possibly considering the complexity of its integration for third part hardware vendors that are not called Samsung at the moment, as the wearable source code is not available, and it can not run third party apps.
Would you consider buying this device? We advise to stay clear. Its not the REAL thing.