Home Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro updated UK & US release date, Pre-orders come with bundled freebies

Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro updated UK & US release date, Pre-orders come with bundled freebies

IFA 2017, Berlin saw Samsung releasing three new wearable devices- The Gear Sport, Gear Fit2 pro and the Gear IconX (2018). The Gear Fit2 Pro happens to be among the first of these devices to reach the consumers as it is currently up for Pre-order in the US and the UK. The US price of the Gear Fit2 Pro has been listed as $199.99 while the UK, the wearable fitness band goes for £209.00. To sweeten the deal, Samsung has bund;led the devices with a freebie for both the regions.
Pre-orders in the US will entitle you a free Samsung U Flex to go along with it worth about $79. While in the UK, you get a free Speedo goggles to go along with your Gear Fit2 Pro when pre-ordered. The actual shipping date for the pre-orders in the US is scheduled for 15th of September, while in the UK shipping begins from 14th September, which is TOMORROW. So, if you don’t want to miss out on that freebie, then you got to really hurry up and place your pre-order immediately.

The Gear Fit2 Pro comes with a number of upgrades over its predecessor Gear Fit2. One of the major upgrades comes with the 5ATM protection which enables the Gear Fit2 Pro to easily handle a dip in the water and can even be worn on during your swim sessions as it has ability to track water based activities as well(hence the Speedo googles bundled offer in the UK). With the Gear Fit2 Pro, users can forget about their smartphones when going out for a run or workout while not missing out listening your favorite tracks on Spotify as it supports Spotify local syncing. There are number of features which you can learn about from here.

Gear Fit2 Pro in the UK & US

Pre-prder the latest Tizen fitness device using one of the two links below:
Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro UK
Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro US
Do you like the look of the Fit2 Pro? Have you ordered one? Let us know in the comments section below.

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