Samsung launched the Galaxy Watch Active, its latest fitness-focused smartwatch, last week. The watch boasts significant improvements over the Gear Sport. And while it may not be as premium as the Apple Watch, there still are some aspects which can make or break the deal for you. So, here’s a stack up of the Galaxy Watch Active and the Apple Watch 4 to help you decide your next watch.
Samsung Galaxy Watch Active vs Apple Watch Series 4
Design and Size
To begin with, it is important that you decide what type of watch you’re looking for, and there are a number of breaking points here. Circular or square? Large or small? Light or heavy? The Apple Watch comes in two sizes, 40mm and 44mm, with both featuring square watch faces. The smaller watch measures 1.57 x 1.49 x 0.42 inches and weighs 1.40 ounces, while the larger model has dimensions of 1.73 x 1.49 x 0.42 inches and weighs 1.69 ounces. The two models feature 1.57-inch and 1.78-inch displays, respectively.
On the other hand, the Galaxy Watch Active feature a 1.1-inch circular display. It’s 360 x 360 resolution also pales in front of the 44mm Apple Watch’s 368 x 448 resolution, though it compares well against the 40mm Apple Watch’s 324 x 394 resolution screen. The Watch Active’s body measures 1.55 x 1.55 x 0.41 inches and weighs 0.88 ounces. That’s a huge weight difference there.
Navigating through the Apple Watch also feels a lot easier now, thanks to Samsung’s shocking decision to remove the rotating bezel from the Galaxy Watch Active. You now have to rely on the watch’s tiny 1.1-inch screen, two navigation buttons, Bixby voice commands, and wrist gestures.
Both the watches are equally well-equipped with fitness monitoring features. They can track a number of physical activities such as cycling, running, walking, and much more. They both are 5ATW water resistance certified devices, so you can go for swimming worry free.
In addition, the new Galaxy Watch Active also supports sleep tracking and blood pressure reading out of the box. The Apple Watch, meanwhile, boasts ECG feature, but it’s available in the US only.
The Galaxy Watch Active also offers longer usage time on a single charge. Samsung claims the watch to run for up to 45 hours on one full charge. The Apple Watch 4 offers only about 18 hours of usage time on a single charge. Also, the Galaxy Watch Active is much more versatile at wireless charging. It can be charged off the back of the Galaxy S10.
Furthermore, the Samsung watch is compatible with both Android smartphones and iPhones. It, however, doesn’t come with LTE support, in case you wish to completely ditch your phone sometimes.
Price and availability
The Apple Watch 4 is currently priced at $399 and $429 for the 40mm and 44mm models, respectively. The watches come in gold, space gray, or silver color options.
The Samsung Galaxy Watch Active, meanwhile, costs only $199, meaning you can get two units of the Watch Active for the price of one Apple Watch. In addition, Samsung is offering a wireless charging pad for free if you pre-order the watch before March 7. The device will go on sale on March 8, and will be available in silver, black, rose gold, and green color options.
If you are invested into Apple ecosystem, Apple Watch should be your choice. However, the Galaxy Watch Active will also offer you a lot, without breaking the bank. You might have to compromise on a bigger screen, but you get better battery life, and a lot lighter device. The smartwatch, however, is yet to be tested with real-world usage. So, one can’t say for sure if the battery life would be as advertised.
Have you zeroed-in on your next watch? Which device did you choose and why? Tell us in the comments below.