Home Samsung files Patent for a foldable Tablet, Can’t wait for this one!

Samsung files Patent for a foldable Tablet, Can’t wait for this one!

Last month, we reported about Samsung filing patent for a foldable smart phone, likely to be called Samsung Galaxy X. Samsung Mobile CEO, Donjin Koh, also confirmed their plans of releasing their first foldable smart phone in 2018. The Company however doesn’t seem to be done with this concept of foldable smart devices. And this time, they have filed patent for a foldable tablet.
The patent, filed on November 6th with KIPRIS (Korean Intellectual Property Rights Information Service), shows a foldable display of glass. The patent document says that plastic has too many problems to be considered viable. And the solution, according to the document, is to use glass of slender thickness, varying from 0.2mm to 2mm. This would also give an ultrathin design to the device. The patent concept largely talks about the device being folded in half but also points out that it could be folded in different ratios too. If Samsung could use this tech in their laptops, it might actually come good for them.
This is not the first time we have seen a foldable tablet design. In 2014, Samsung themselves had published an advertising video demonstrating a foldable tablet. They also showcased a bendable AMOLED display prototype. However if they are actually planning to make this concept a reality, then it has to be a marvelous piece of tech. A foldable tablet will need to survive a more rigorous kind of use than most tablets – which tend to sit at home or be protected in a case.
With Samsung confirming their plans of releasing a foldable smart phone in 2018, it seems pretty likely that this concept of a foldable tablet will also eventually make it to the market someday. And it makes sense too, as tablets are obviously larger than phones and don’t usually fit into a pocket. By folding one in half, it’s possible we could have both a phone and a tablet in one device.
Lenovo has also been playing with this idea of foldable devices, and the Company is expected to launch a foldable tablet and smartphone soon. So 2018 might be the year, we see quite a few bendable smart devices in the market.

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