Just days after Google showcased its upcoming Pixel smartphones with a new and improved virtual Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistant, it looks like Samsung are gearing up to build their own AI driven Virtual assistant for the future. This comes as an indication as Samsung recently announced that they have come to an agreement to acquire Viv Labs, a company which specializes in AI and deep learning and more importantly,the company is formed by the makers of Apple’s popular virtual assistant Siri. Viv Labs will be taking in-charge of building a conversational personal assistant for Samsung’s devices in the future.
Samsung hopes to provide more accurate services to users through deep learning, the AI assistant will handle providing sophisticated suggestions, predictions and recommendation by assessing usage and search pattern of the user over time. Viv was founded by AI visionaries Dag Kittlaus, Adam Cheyer and Chris Brigha, Samsung announced that the transaction with the firm is subjected to customary closing conditions. Until now, Viv has been an open software platform providing a plugin based service that can be used by third party developers to build their own virtual assistant and communicate with other apps and services.
Injong Rhee, CTO of the Mobile Communications business at Samsung Electronics was quoted saying-
Viv was built with both consumers and developers in mind. This dual focus is also what attracted us to Viv as an ideal candidate to integrate with Samsung home appliances, wearables and more, as the paradigm of how we interact with technology shifts to intelligent interfaces and voice control.