As many of you probably know, we launched our very own iPhone app a few weeks ago. From within the app, you can read stories from all of our channels, including ReadWriteStart, ReadWriteEnterprise and ReadWriteCloud. In addition, you can share posts on Facebook and Twitter, read our Twitter feed, and send posts to Read it Later and Instapaper.

Our friends at ZURB, a Bay Area interaction design and design strategy firm that has worked with the likes of eBay and Facebook, took a closer look at our app earlier last month and we would like to share their findings with you.
Using the company’s Notable tool, ZURB gave us a lot of great feedback about the design of our app and it only seemed fair to share this with you. In the past, ZURB has critiqued web designs ranging from CNN and Twitter, to TechCrunch and MSN.
Here are some excerpts from ZURB’s excellent critique. You can find the complete design review here.
Channel View
What the Next Version of Our App Could Look Like
Zurb was also nice enough to mock up a better home screen for us. Here is what the next generation RWW iPhone app could look like:
Get the App
If you haven’t downloaded our iPhone app yet, head over here and give it a try. Rest assured that we have already taken some of ZURB’s feedback into account for the 1.1 version of our app.