Last month Walmart gave consumers the number 1 reason why DRM isn’t the answer when they announced that they would be shutting down their DRM server come October 9th. Since then, Walmart relaunched it’s online music store on Tuesday. The new music store offers the latest hits at only $.79 per song, while standard songs are offered at $.94. With competitive pricing options Walmart could give iTunes stiff competition.
We’d like your help in predicting the following: Will iTunes change its pricing from $.99 a song or go to a subscription music site by the end of 2008?
Fast Facts
- Microsoft’s Zune Pass music-subscription service allows unlimited music downloads for $15/month
- Every song sold on Wal-Mart can be played an unlimited number of times on most portable devices
- Rumors have surfaced that Apple is considering a $129.99 a year subscription service for iTunes