The latest episode of RWW Live, our live podcast show, is set to begin shortly at 3.30pm PST (6.30pm EST). This week’s topic is, you guessed it, Chrome. We will be discussing Google’s new open source browser and its potential impact in the browser market. We have 3 very special guests on the show to discuss this: Aaron Boodman from Google, a Software Engineer on the Chrome team; Chris Messina from Vidoop (formally of Firefox and Flock); and Alex Russell from The Dojo Toolkit. We encourage you to listen to the show live and ask questions via the chat.
In the call we’ll discuss:
- The impact on the browser market – good / bad
- Features we especially like / concerns we have
- Why Google is doing this
- Reactions from the RWW Community
Note that this week we’re using new software to do the podcast: Calliflower. You can follow the podcast live here, or via the Calliflower Facebook app.
UPDATE: We’re having some issues with Calliflower email activation codes for new users. We apologize for these teething problems, we are trying to fix them as we speak.
UPDATE 2: The Facebook app is working fine for chat, so please click through to Facebook to join the discussion.
UPDATE 3: Here is the recording from the podcast:
Download MP3