Jeff Jarvis is live-blogging the keynote of Tom Glocer, CEO of Reuters, at the Online Publishers Association.
I got pretty excited by a similar speech by Associated Press CEO Tom Curley just
over a year ago, so this Reuters keynote is pressing my buttons too. I
particularly liked this point, on the role of big media in the current era of
user-generated content. There are 3 main roles, quoth Jarvis via Glocer:
1) Media companies will be a “seeder of clouds”. I think that means
attracting good content and people to its sites and apps.
2) they’ll be a “provider of toolsĶ We need to produce open standards and interoperability to allow” people to create content (Yes, yes!)
3) media companies will be “filter and editor” (…I think I need a
cigarette now)
Seriously, it’s great to see traditional media companies embracing user
content and recognizing that providing tools and filters is the answer – rather
than grimly
trying to hold on to 20th century broadcast culture. This is what mainstreaming
the Read/Write Web is about.