Today is the eighth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America which became known simply as “9/11.” For many people worldwide, today is a day of remembering and honoring the lives lost, the heroism of those onboard United Airlines Flight 93 who seized control of the plane from the hijackers, and the brave efforts of the rescue workers who worked around-the-clock in search and recovery operations. To help you recall and remember what occurred eight years ago today, there’s an app called “9/11 Numbers” which brings the sobering realities of September 11th to light through simple statistics you can flip through on your iPhone.

At first, we have to admit we cynically wondered if the 9/11 app was an opportunistic attempt to capitalize on this national tragedy. But we’re glad to report we were wrong. There’s no charge for the application – it’s completely free – and there are no ads popping up either.
The layout of the app is simple. It’s screen after screen of statistics about the terrorist attacks that day as well as updates as to where we stand today. Each stat focuses on a number (hence the “numbers” in the app’s title) and then explains what that particular number refers to. For example, “24” is the number of people still classified as “missing” from the World Trade Center. “16” is the number of survivors from WTC South’s point of impact. “1776” is the number of feet high the Freedom Tower memorial will be.

In the background behind the text is an image of the New York skyline and the Tribute in Light memorial, an installation of 88 searchlights which projects two vertical columns of light into the sky.
The app offers a creative and interesting way to remember 9/11. And as the app’s description reads, “not forgetting is not enough – it’s also important to grasp the measure of what transpired.”
Thanks to Appsfire for the tip!