Home Redbend Provides Over-the-Air Software Management Solutions for Samsung’s Tizen Smartphones

Redbend Provides Over-the-Air Software Management Solutions for Samsung’s Tizen Smartphones

Redbend, is a company that catalyzes change in the connected world and boasts the ability of keeping more than 2 billion automotive, IoT and mobile devices updated, has announced that it will be providing its Over the Air (OTA) solution to the Tizen based Samsung Z1. Redbend’s OTA updating solutions will enhance the reliability and performance of the platform and software on Samsung Tizen handsets.

“Redbend has partnered with Samsung for years to provide an improved and reliable mobile user experience,” said John Seo, country manager, Redbend Korea. “Our efforts in developing new technologies will continue to ensure that customers can leverage the new Tizen ecosystem more easily and quickly through our solutions.”

When Samsung initially launched their first Android smartphones, it used Redbend’s solutions to stabilize the platform and improve the performance of the company’s mobile devices. Redbend’s Smart Delta technology can be used to deliver operating system updates delivering stability and feature enhancements to target devices OTA.

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Aakash Singh

Aakash Singh is a marketing professional & a content marketing specialist. Having over 5 years of experience working with major organizations, he is passionate about digital marketing, blogging & SEO. Aakash lives in Delhi, India & writes about digital marketing & scaling your online presence on his blog, cupofglory.com. Connect with him on LinkedIn & Twitter.

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