Today is the big day! It’s time for the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit. Hundreds of people working on or with real-time web technologies have come to Mountain View, California and ReadWriteWeb staff has arrived from around the world as well.
We’ll be live-streaming selected sessions from the event, starting at 8:30 AM PST, thanks to You can see and join the Twitter-chatter by using the hashtags #rtwsummit or #rtws. We’ve set up a page displaying both the live video and the flowing hashtag stream at Conversation there has begun already. But wait, there’s more!
The Real-Time Web and Its Future: A Premium Report
We’re also excited to announce that our next premium report will be on the topic of the real-time web and is available for pre-order starting today. Our first report, the ReadWriteWeb Guide to Online Community Management, was a commercial and critical success (most recently it got nice links from CNN and PBS).
This next report should be even better – we’ve interviewed more than 40 companies building or using the real-time web and now hundreds of people will be discussing various parts of the real-time story today at the Summit. All the knowledge we’ve gleaned from all those conversations will be expertly concentrated into one high-value research report that you can pre-order starting today.
Please note that this is a different beast from the conference e-book documenting Summit sessions that all registered Summit participants will receive at no cost.
And Now Get Ready For a Deep Dive!
We hope you’ll join us in person or online for an in-depth conversation with some of the smartest people around the world who are working on the real-time web.
In the meantime, please check out these sponsors, whose generosity made this whole thing possible. Several have come from outside the United States to participate in the Real-Time Web Summit, so please join me in learning about what they do in thanks for their support. See you on the live stream!