It’s one day before Halloween and while other bloggers are writing about horror movies and costumes, I honestly can’t think of anything more scary than the thought of myself attempting to raise a baby. ReadWriteWeb’s own Sarah Perez is about to boldly go where many women have gone before. As a tribute to her bravery and baby bump we’re doing a roundup of baby gift registries:

1. Kaboodle: This service offers parents-to-be a drag and drop interface for users to create their registries. Some of the featured stores within the site include Sears, Costco and BabyStyle. While a number of registries only offer toys and clothing, this site is great because it allows users to choose from a variety of items that they actually need. After creating your Wish List you can also share it via Facebook and Twitter.

2. The Bump: Brought to you by wedding network The Knot, The Bump is a baby registry where users can direct friends to their complete list of baby registries. Some of the available stores include Pottery Barn Kids, Baby and Child Restoration Hardware and Target. While the service is a great idea in theory, it could be improved if registration info was carried across sites.
3. Amazon Baby: Amazon offers parents an easy registry tool and the fantastic thing is that most friends and family members can skip the credit card form as they’ve already got accounts. If you’re worried that your friends will give your kid something impractical or dangerous, you may want to direct them to the baby buying guides.
4. Babies R Us: Although a sub-site of Toys R Us, Babies R Us allows parents to register for practical items as well. The site offers a variety of strollers, car seats, cribs and pacifier sterilizers to choose from. The great thing about this site is that there is a wide selection of organic and natural products including warmers for BPA-free bottles and organic cotton washcloths.
5. Giggle: Some of the items on this list include high-end products like the Babycook BPA-free Cuisinart-style baby food maker and more affordable products like milk freezer packs. This service allows expecting parents to search for their favorite items or add items based on those that are most popular within the community. One of the nice things about this site is that parents can add items using an “add to registry” browser button.
Photo Credit: Joel Schlabotnik