Home ReadWriteStart Events & Deadlines for Startups, 19 June 2010

ReadWriteStart Events & Deadlines for Startups, 19 June 2010

There are a lot of great activities happening in the startup world, and we would like to help you make sure you’re on top of these opportunities. The ReadWriteStart Calendar tracks both startup-oriented events as well as application deadlines (for competitions, grants, and incubators, for example).

If you’d like to add something to the calendar, leave a comment here or email us.

Here are some of the upcoming deadlines and events that caught our eye this past week:

Women 2.0 Labs

Women 2.0 is sponsoring Women 2.0 Labs, a new 5-week program (July 6 – August 5, 2010) for engineers, developers, biz dev folks, and marketing mavens to develop high-growth technology ventures in San Francisco, CA. Applications due June 20.

Transfer Summit UK

Transfer Summit will be held June 24-25 at Keble College in Oxford, England. The event, which includes a BarCamp, is focused on on Open Source technology/collaboration/innovation as it intersects industry, research, and academia. Our attendees are an amalgam of business executives and technologists, interested in streamlining the innovation and resource discovery process, cultivating partnerships, and accelerating the process of commercializing products.

Edmonton Startup Weekend

Edmonton, Alberta’s Startup Weekend will take place June 25-27. As with the other Startup Weekend events, it promises to bring together “developers, designers, marketers, inventors, and anyone else interested in ideas and startups to see what they can build in 54 hours. “

Creative Commons Catalyst Grants

As we reported this week, Creative Commons is accepting applications for their Catalyst Grants through the end of the month. These grants are meant to seed activities that support the Creative Commons mission. Applications due June 30.

Photo credits: Keble College photo by Flickr user Dimitry B

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