Today’s theme is real artists ship. Everyone wants their tech to be fun. iPads get close, but it’s quite another thing to build actual space stations or robot exoskeletons… or the actual Starship Enterprise.
But people are going for it, anyway.
A man named Dan with a lot of time on his hands has drawn up detailed plans to buld an actual, working Starship Enterprise.
Roscosmos, the Russian space agency, confirms that it plans to build a moon base.
The Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC) combat exoskeleton is almost ready for field trials in Afghanistan.
Here are detailed specs and videos of what the HULC can do.
The privately built Dragon capsule has made its first fly-by of the International Space Station, thanks to SpaceX founder and real-life Iron Man Elon Musk.
It’s time to let go of our nostalgia for the space program of old and make room for even wilder possibilities.
Image credit: Chris Martin of Evil Starship Factory via BuildTheEnterprise.