Netflix lovers out there, rejoice! You can now manage your Netflix queue right from your desktop using a new Adobe AIR application called Queued. Created as a demonstration of how AIR and the Dojo Toolkit can be used together to create rich hybrid applications, Queued is open-source, BSD-licensed software. Although the point for Queued’s existence may have be to demo different types of technology, the end result is definitely something we all can enjoy.
Introducing Queued
With Queued, you can quickly access and modify your Netflix queue from your desktop, search for movies to add to your queue, rate movies, and you can even use the app to launch and view Instant Watch movies.
Since Adobe AIR lets the app run in the background, you can leave it running until you need it and when you return, there’s no need to launch a browser and sign into Netflix – it’s all right there for you. The app also alerts you when Netflix ships one of your movies so you know what’s coming. And with AIR’s offline capabilities, Queued lets you interact with it even when you have no internet connection. When the connection returns, your data will be automatically synced back to Netflix.
The Technical Details
On the Dojo side, the app uses a single HTML file for the main window, dAIR for Dojo/AIR integration, dijit for layout, unobtrusive behavior implementation using dojo.behavior
, dojox.dtl
for most widget templating, drag and drop for queue re-ordering, various animations for polish, and Dojo’s build system.
On the AIR side, the app implements some of Adobe AIR’s newest features including a local database, encrypted local storage, view source capability, automatic updates, and offline capability.
Go Get It!
The source code is available on Google code and the app itself is available for download from SitePen’s web site, as they were the creators of the software.