The Economist published a short article about the Semantic Web today, picking up on apps we’ve covered here many times – like Reuters Open Calais, Twine, Hakia and AdaptiveBlue. But one app right at the end caught my eye, as I’d not heard of it before: Qitera. Its homepage describes it as “a next-generation information engine – a semantic web service that connects everything you know to everything you read.” The company is German, but based in San Francisco. Qitera is currently in private beta, so it’s hard to know what this app does. But it sounds a lot like Twine.

Here is a further explanation from their website:
“Qitera is a web service empowering you to build and access your personal knowledge (the geeks call it knowledge graph). So you can organize, remix and search all the data dealing with the companies, business partners, friends or projects you track in a more productive way. Additionally, we let you share your wisdom with your peers and publish to blogs, websites and cell phones.”
There is little mention of Qitera on Technorati, Google, or other sources. I did however find a slideshow on Slideshare, which featured this graphic illustrating its open standards support:

Below is the full slideshow. Let us know in the comments if you’ve seen Qitera in action – and if so what did you think? Meantime I’ve applied for a beta pass to check it out.