Home pulverTV: 24/7 Indie TV Channel Launches

pulverTV: 24/7 Indie TV Channel Launches

Although we’re hopeful that Hollywood’s writers strike is nearly at its end, the
experience has led us to discover other entertainment venues. One area where
there seems to be a lot of development lately is in Internet TV. The latest is a
100% indie Internet TV channel with 24/7 programming, created by Jeff Pulver,
VOIP pioneer and the founder of


. Each week,


creates 12-14 hours of their own
original programming and the rest is culled from over 40 different producers of
independently created Internet TV shows from the web. The TV shows span several
different genres including comedy, drama, sci-fi, anime, health, cooking,
lifestyles, fitness, and business/finance.

Until the launch of the 24/7 programming, pulverTV was the home of  “The Jeff Pulver Show,” a program
which Jeff has been hosting since April 2007. This show will continue to be one
of the featured programs on pulverTV, first airing live (you can catch the next
one on Wednesday, Feb 6th at 2 PM EST), then being re-broadcast later in the
programming schedule.

Along with producers Ariel Schwartz and Andy Lipson and sponsor BlogTV,
the pulverTV channel was formed. One of their main goals with the service is to provide a
platform for the indie creators of Internet TV to get their shows discovered. By
providing the technology, production, and distribution information to any of
those who request it, the platform can be a launch point for currently
undiscovered talent. Alongside that goal is, pulverTV wants to provide quality
24/7 programming in order to close the gap between TV and “Internet TV.”

Internet TV producers and creators with an existing program they want to
publicize or with one they want to create can contact Jeff via email for more information
on how to get started.

Always on Internet TV (that isn’t lifecasting) – love the idea! However, the current lineup at pulverTV isn’t always the most riveting. Still, the idea is good one, and hopefully the talent will follow.

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