Home Pictures emerge of Samsung’s unreleased NTT DoCoMo ZeQ Tizen Smartphone

Pictures emerge of Samsung’s unreleased NTT DoCoMo ZeQ Tizen Smartphone

NTT DoCoMo is Japan’s largest carrier, who was initially thought to be the first in line to release a Tizen Smartphone onto its network, the Samsung ZeQ. Unfortunately due to some delays and unfavourable smartphone market conditions the project was put on hold, though some would say it was / is scrapped.
Now according to some FCC Listings we can take a look at what the “docomo ZEQ SC-03F” Tizen based Samsung ZeQ looked like. The handset has a very android look to it, and sports a 4.8″ display and Snapdragon 800 (MSM8974) CPU. The included battery is the SC12, which is the same one 2600mah one in the Samsung Z. The pictures clearly show the docomo symbol on the front, and Samsung ZeQ on the back.
Operating frequencies: FDD-LTE 2100 (B1) / 1800 (B3) / 1500 (B21) / 800 (B19) MHz, W-CDMA 2100 (I) / 850 (V) / 800 (VI / XIX) MHz, GSM 1900 / I corresponding to 1800/900/850 MHz.
Wireless LAN & Bluetooth: IEEE 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac and Bluetooth 4.0 also (2.4GHz and 5.xGHz Dual-Band).
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