Posterous, one of our favorite light blogging services, started out as a very minimalist blogging and media sharing platform. In its earliest days, the only way to actually post a story to Posterous was by email. Today, however, Posterous announced the next version of its blog editor, which takes Posterous away from its minimalist origins. Posterous now allows users to upload images, videos and documents directly from the web editor, for example. In addition, Posterous now also features a full rich text editor.

“We Aint No Stinking Microblog”
As Posterous’s co-founder Garry Tan notes in the announcement, the company doesn’t want to be seen as a microblogging service.
New Features
The service still puts a lot of emphasis on sharing media files. The updated editor now allows users to upload multiple images, audio files, videos and documents in parallel. In addition, Posterous users can now rotate images and reorder image galleries by simply dragging and dropping files. Starting today, Posterous users can also finally combine and ungroup galleries – a feature that comes in handy if you want to combine all the images from a recent trip, for example.

Posterous Grows Up
Today’s update is yet another step in Posterous’ march towards becoming a fully featured blogging platform and away from Posterous’ minimalist origins. One of the few features that are still missing for this to happen is support for offline blogging clients like Windows Live Writer or MarsEdit. We wouldn’t be surprised to hear that this is already on Posterous’ roadmap, however.
How We Use Posterous and Co.
If you want to see how we use Posterous and similar services here at ReadWriteWeb, have a look at this post from earlier today.