More tinkering. Last night I made the header and footer fixed width, evened up the right-hand column’s width in relation to the left column, added more white space to the main content area, and made various other changes to the CSS. I’m much happier with the layout now – it looks more balanced and not so cluttered. But I’d be interested in hearing some feedback, especially if things look funny in your web browser of choice.
Pop Quiz
I don’t have enough readers to do quizzes, but if you are here reading this – would you mind giving me a YES or a NO to this question:
Should I append comments to the end of each post, rather than my current practice of keeping comments separate in a pop-up box?
There’s really no excuse for me not to append comments onto the end of each post, as Movable Type has ways of keeping out those dastardly spammers. It’d be keeping with my Two-Way Web principles to allow it, because it encourages reader/writer conversations. On the other hand I don’t get very many comments, compared to some other bloggers who interact with their readers a lot, so maybe the status quo pop-up box is sufficient. Hmmm, what do you think? (perhaps an ironical question, given my previous statement!)