Our post this week about
GoogleOS led to some vigorous and fascinating discussion in Read/WriteWeb.
87 mostly thoughtful comments were left here, plus many more on Slashdot
and Digg.
To get a final, more succinct, picture of whether R/WW readers expect to see a
GoogleOS – here is a poll for you. I hope there are sufficient options in it, but
you’ll notice that option 6 is open-ended and invites you to leave a comment to
explain more (at the risk of duplicating the comments in the original post).
Also re #4, that’s a reference to Robert
that Emre and I must’ve been “smoking good crack” 😉 There were some
even more brutal comments that came our way, but in the end that only showed it was a
thought provoking post that many people had opinions on 🙂