In our latest poll, we’re asking what you think of Personalized Start Pages as an ongoing business. Accel VC Judy Gibbons said in our interview that personalized start pages are under-hyped:
“Personal home pages like PageFlakes & Netvibes […] represent the third generation of Internet usage: first portals because there was little content and it was hard to find; second search because there was an ever increasing amount of content if you could only track it down; now personalized ÄòpullÄô home pages, because most sophisticated users know what content and apps they want to check into every day – and they want these brought to them to improve productivity.”
Do you agree? Let us know by selecting one of the choices below…
You may also want to check out previous R/WW posts on start pages: Business
Models For Start Pages and The
Future of Personalized Start Pages.