Home Pokemon Legends: Z-A – Expected release date, trailers, platforms, and everything we know

Pokemon Legends: Z-A – Expected release date, trailers, platforms, and everything we know

The introduction of the Pokemon Legends spin-offs from the mainline games was a breath of fresh air for the franchise, allowing fans to experience something a little different from the usual formulas.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A is the second Legends title to make its way onto the scene and just like Pokemon Legends: Arceus, aims to offer a new take on a previously visited region. Below, we’ll take you through everything we know on Z-A including its release date, trailers, platforms, and more.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A expected release date

The Pokemon Legends: Z-A release date is currently 2025, with no more specifics revealed as of yet.

Based on the past Pokemon Legends game – Pokemon Legends: Arceus – this launched in January 2022, and we expect something similar for Z-A.

This is because the Holiday spot is usually reserved for mainline Pokemon titles so muddying the waters with a Legends game is something The Pokemon Company and Nintendo will likely not want to do. Plus, it’s Pokemon Day in February time so why not throw in a game around this period?

Pokemon Legends: Z-A trailers

Nintendo surprised us all by dropping a trailer for Pokemon Legends: Z-A on Pokemon Day 2024. This is the only sneak peek we have for the game so far but we definitely expect to see more later in the year.

If you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, here it is:

In the trailer, it doesn’t give a whole lot away in terms of what to expect gameplay-wise apart from revealing a few of the Pokemon you will encounter, but it does at least run through the setting. Moreover, if you watched until the end, there’s a returning mechanic that we’ll touch on soon.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A platforms

Nintendo has stated that Pokemon Legends: Z-A will launch on Nintendo Switch systems meaning even your old 2017 model will be able to play it.

However, what isn’t stated for obvious reasons is if it will be released on the Switch successor also. It’s pretty safe to say that it will indeed be on the ‘Switch 2’, maybe even as a launch window title, since there are many reports stating that the new console will be in our hands at around that time.

Where is Pokemon Legends: Z-A set?

The overhead image of Lumoise City in Pokemon Legends: Z-A

Pokemon Legends: Z-A is set in the Kalos region and more specifically, Lumoise City.

This was confirmed by both the official Nintendo X account and the aforementioned trailer which took you through a futuristic look of the city.

While having a Pokemon game set “entirely” in a city, might seem limiting to some, it appears that the city is going through a bunch of redevelopment and thus could be expanding much further than when it appeared in Pokemon X & Y.

If you didn’t play those first games, Lumoise City is loosely based on the real-world Paris, with a bunch of streets to explore. There’s even an homage to the Eiffel Tower with the Lumoise Gym which features once more in Z-A. However, with the Legends formula moving away from Gyms and their Leaders, it is unlikely that we will see the same Clemont that we encountered in the original take on the city.

Does Pokemon Legends: Z-A have Mega Evolutions?

The Mega Evolution logo in Pokemon Legends: Z-A

Yes, it does appear that Mega Evolutions will return with Pokemon Legends: Z-A after a short hiatus.

Mega Evolutions were introduced with Pokemon X & Y, the same game that brought us the Kalos region, so it only makes sense that we see them again once more in Z-A.

If you didn’t play those mainline Pokemon games or Pokemon GO, then you might be confused as to what this mechanic actually is. Well, essentially, it allows you to ‘evolve’ Pokemon mid-battle, turning them into a Mega form. This form enhances their abilities dramatically and even gives them different moves. Think of Mega Evolutions as a precursor to Dynamaxing.

The number of Pokemon that could have a Mega Evolution was limited, and we expect this to be the case in Pokemon Legends: Z-A. It’ll likely be the more powerful ‘Mons and third evolutions that get the Mega treatment, so don’t think you’ll be taking advantage of this mechanic right out of the gate.

Is Zygarde in Pokemon Legends: Z-A?

Zygarde was one of the three main legendary Pokemon that came with Pokemon X & Y but unlike previous entries in the franchise such as Emerald, didn’t get a game focused on its presence.

With its futuristic look and green hues, coupled with the fact that you’ll be heading back to the Kalos region, it’s pretty safe to assume Zygarde will get its time in the limelight as the main legendary of Z-A.

What we are unsure about though is what Zygarde forms you will be encountering. There were three forms in X & Y – 10%, 50%, and 100%, but we could even see some others in this new game. All we can do is wait and see what’s in store for us when it comes to this intriguing legendary.

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Jacob Woodward
Gaming Journalist

Jacob has been a life-long gamer and tech enthusiast ever since the original Game Boy was placed in his hands at an early age. Due to his passion for the field, writing talent, and a keen eye for SEO, he transitioned from digital marketing into games journalism in 2019. Starting initially as a writer, he rose quickly, becoming not only an Editor but also Interim Managing Editor within the space of 2 years. He has worked with gaming media publications such as GGRecon, The Loadout, Retro Dodo, Insider Gaming, Gfinity, Stealth Optional, Retro Recall, and many more, making him an…

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