Home Financial Services Firm Penserra Announces Partnership with BlackRock

Financial Services Firm Penserra Announces Partnership with BlackRock

Founded in 2007, Penserra is an institutional financial services firm. They have offices located in New York, Chicago, Newport Beach, Calif., and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Additionally, Penserra is also a certified minority-business enterprise (MBE). Their services include global equity trading, fixed income trading, investment banking, ETF sub advising, and active investment management.

New Partnership Expands Access to Cash Management Solutions

Recently, the company announced the launch of new dedicated share classes offered by BlackRock Global Cash Management. These new share classes are the BlackRock Liquid Environmentally Aware Fund (PSLXX) and the BlackRock Liquid Federal Trust Fund (PSBXX). However, they will be available exclusively for clients of Penserra and its affiliates beginning January 21, 2022.

The partnership with BlackRock allows Penserra’s clients to have access to expanded offerings of cash management solutions. Of special interest are those which emphasize environmental considerations and positive social outcomes through education. All of these concerns are prioritized while seeking to conserve principal and liquidity.

Social Responsibility + Profit: Another Win-Win

“For over a decade, BlackRock has proactively engaged with minorities, women, and disabled-veteran owned broker-dealers. We seek to accelerate their growth as strong liquidity providers and distribution partners,” says Tom Callahan, global head of BlackRock Cash Management. “Working with Penserra to distribute cash management solutions to our mutual clients is a natural next step in our partnership. Consequently, we are proud to associate with a firm that shares our commitment to diversity and inclusion.”

“The opportunity to build a business on the strength of this platform with BlackRock is exciting,” said Jorge Madrigal, Penserra’s chief executive officer. “This partnership  expands the long relationship between our two firms and provides our institutional clients quality cash and investment strategies as we together strive to set the standard  for excellence in this area.”

To sum up, this latest deal further demonstrates that responsibility and profits can go hand-in-hand. As investors continue to express interest in companies that blend social and environmental concerns with profitable ventures, look for additional companies to emulate the Penserra-BlackRock partnership.

Image Credit: Penserra Financial Partnership; Thank you!

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Brad Anderson

Brad is the former editor who oversaw contributed content at ReadWrite.com. He previously worked as an editor at PayPal and Crunchbase.

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