The guys at AppsFire has done it again – it’s built a simple but compelling little iPhone app that you should probably download right away. Pastefire is an app that lets you capture and act upon information sent with a click from your computer’s browser to your iPhone.
See a phone number on the web you want to call? A text or a link you want to paste into an SMS? Click the Pastefire bookmarklet on your browser, then launch the Pastefire app on your phone and the most appropriate action for the type of media captured will happen automatically. It’s easy, fast and free.
The app has some bugs, but it’s a good start. For some reason a captured address doesn’t get presented with a “search in Google” option in Pastefire, which would be really nice. I’m sure these things will be worked out.
Not to overstate things, but this is a great example of device convergence that makes the iPhone all the more valuable – is it not? We love handy little services like this and the crew at Appsfire comes up with things like this all the time. Are there other handy little must-have iPhone hack apps we should know about? Let us know in comments below.