Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Web
    Groupon Staying Ahead of the Game: Rumored to be in Talks with Foursquare

    Groupon is not wasting any time in trying to corner the market on location-based deals. Less than a week after partnering with location service Loopt for its Groupon Now campaign, the daily deals giant is said to be in partnership talks with Foursquare to target deals at its check-in users.All...

  • Mobile
    Opera for iPad is Here

    Over a year after its launch on the iPhone, Norway-based browser maker Opera Software has at last ported its Opera Mini mobile browser to the larger form factor of the Apple iPad. The new universal iOS application, Opera Mini 6, brings a full-featured Web browser to both tablet and phone,...

  • Web
    Introducing Our New Business Channels Editor: David Strom

    Over the past couple of years we've been growing our ReadWriteWeb channels. These are subsites of ReadWriteWeb that are targeted at a specific audience. We now have six channels: ReadWriteEnterprise, ReadWriteCloud, ReadWriteHack, ReadWriteBiz, ReadWriteStart and ReadWriteMobile. As our channels have grown, the opportunity has arisen for an experienced editorial manager...

  • Entertainment
    SMB Tech Roundup: Square Heats Up, Facebook Check-ins for Pages and iPad Apps For Businesses

    Keeping up with every tech headline is hard enough for anybody, let alone busy professionals. To help, ReadWriteBiz rounds up the week's most important tech news and insights for small- and medium-sized businesses.Facebook has begun to roll out some of the features available with Facebook Places for owners of Pages,...

  • Work
    iPad for Business Round-Up: More Office Suites, iPads in the Doctors Office and More

    The iPad isn't just a hot new consumer device, it's also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.This week week we look at...

  • Web
    EFF Calls On Apple to Defend Developers Against Patent Trolls

    Earlier this month, patent-holding company Lodsys started going after small-time iOS developers, sending them "notice" letters which claim the developers are infringing on one of Lodsys' patents for in-app purchasing technology. In these notices, Lodsys demands that developers license the patent from them for 0.575% of the U.S. revenue generated...

  • Web
    Groupon’s New Partnership With Loopt: Is This How Location Will Be Monetized?

    Mobile, location based social networking is a young but exciting field. How will it gain mainstream adoption and how will it become a viable business, though? A new partnership announced today between notable location service Loopt and high-flying mega-discount provider Groupon provides an interesting data point in the discussion.Loopt tracks...

  • Web
    Want a Better Bank? BankSimple, New Web-Native Bank, Nears Its Launch

    BankSimple, the Web-native bank built by a team that includes former Twitter API Lead Alex Payne, has begun testing its first small batch of bank cards among its staff. Payne announced one year ago this week that he was starting the company and BankSimple says it has 50,000 people waiting...

  • Mobile
    App Search Startup Quixey Launches New Plugins & API

    Quixey, an application search startup and makers of an accompanying suite of tools for app developers, is today announcing three more tools to aid in application discovery. These tools provide new ways for publishers and partners to integrate app search into their own websites, and include everything from a simple...

  • Mobile
    Scrollability, New iOS Physics Project from Facebook for iPhone Creator, Joe Hewitt

    Joe Hewitt, the creator of the Facebook iPhone app, Firebug, and former contributor to Mozilla's Firefox, announced earlier this month that he was leaving Facebook to go build "tools." What sorts of tools? Not just mobile tools, but "tools for writers, designers, programmers, whatever," he wrote on his personal blog.Since...

  • Entertainment
    iOS Users Downloading 5 Million Games a Day, Report Finds

    Mobile gaming continues to be on a tear, and no surprise, it's the biggest single app category in Apple's App Store, accounting for half the downloads of both free and paid apps. According to research data leased by Distimo and Newzoo, during the month of March, more than 5 million...

  • Web
    Malcolm X Online

    Malcolm X was an integral figure in the American civil rights movement. He remains an inspiration, a bugbear and a dorm room poster and coffee mug graphic second only to Che Guevara. The thing that throws people, especially in the vile political atmosphere of the early 21st century, is that...

  • Web
    Yahoo Messenger Brings a Strong Video Chat Option to iOS

    When Apple debuted the iPhone 4 with a front-facing camera it toted along a killer app that had been unavailable on mobile devices until then - FaceTime. Now users could do video chat from mobile devices and Apple was the only player in the game with that capability.Everybody else has...

  • Web
    Plizy Aims to Be Pandora for Video on Your iPad

    As people begin to consume more and more video content via their mobile devices, expect to hear about more and more startups tackling the space. The latest is Plizy which releases its iPad app today, aiming to provide users with personalized video recommendations.Like ShowYou which launched last month, Plizy pulls...

  • Cloud
    New Data Center, Patents Shed Light on Apple’s Cloud Ambitions

    Apple's huge new data center in North Carolina is getting a little brother. According to Data Center Knowledge, Apple is building a new data center in Santa Clara, CA. Data Center Knowledge reports that "Apple signed a seven-year lease for 2.28 megawatts of critical power load in a new data...

  • Web
    HTML5: It’s Last Call for Comments

    After more than 3 years of development and discussion by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Working Group on the subject, the draft specifications document for HTML version 5 will now be moved into Last Call status after a 63 to 2 vote, with 3 abstentions. Technically, voting will close...

  • Mobile
    No Porn on iOS? “Uncensored” iPlayboy Hits the iPad

    Apple has been clear on one thing for a while now - nothing resembling porn of any kind shall grace the screens of its iOS devices if it has anything to do with it. Of course, that's not a world that Playboy founder Hugh Hefner wants to live in and...

  • Developer
    Qt Quick Home Control Demo

      With my background in Networking I find any "Smart Home Control application" a definite to get the blood pumping and this Application hits the spot. Developed by basysKom [], you can control windows, blinds, heating and lighting from the PC and also a mobile device which in this case is...

  • Web
    The Future of the Smartphone: Holograms & Folding Screens

    eYeka, a crowdsourcing company that specializes in "online co-creation" of products, has published some intriguing concepts for future smartphones. eYeka's community came up with the following list of requirements for a next generation smartphone: a minimalistic, non-complicated design; more features (which may clash with the previous requirement); a design which...

  • Mobile
    Second Life Co-founder’s New Project CoffeeandPower: Exchange Virtual Currency for Real-World Tasks

    CoffeeandPower, the latest project from Second Life co-founder Philip Rosedale has launched in test-mode in the San Francisco area. The service describes itself as a "sort of live version of Craigslist."There have been a number of startups take aim at Craiglist as of late. That's no surprise, really. The UI...

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