Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Work
    Seesmic for iPhone Adds Support for Instagram and Chatter

    Seesmic, a third party client for Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, updated its iPhone app today. One the biggest additions is support for's Chatter service. Seesmic has offered Chatter support in its desktop application since September, and beta support for Chatter is already available on Android. Seesmic also...

  • Entertainment
    Minecraft Coming to Android (But Probably Not the Droid You Were Looking For)

    Fans of Minecraft, the popular building block game, have long been waiting for a mobile version. iOS and Android versions have been "in the works" since early this year, but now there are a few more details available. We still don't know when the mobile versions of Minecraft will be...

  • Web
    To Bot or To Tweet, That Is The Question

    The New York Times is breaking up with the bot that automatically tweets every article that goes up on the newspaper's website. Instead, New York Times content will be curated by a team of social media editors who are much more interactive and collaborative online, @replying users and retweeting interesting...

  • Web
    A CDN-Style Service for APIs

    A content delivery network (CDN) is fine for distributing the data from a Web page but the advent of a new programming interface will help create a new method for pushing data to the edge of the network.The first signs of this new network is coming from companies that are...

  • Entertainment
    Indie Music Fans More Likely to Pay for Digital Streams

    Streaming music services like Spotify, MOG, Rdio, Grooveshark, Slacker Radio and others are making headlines for their innovations in today's digital music economy and its extension onto our mobile devices, into our homes and even into our cars. But when it comes to who's paying for the premium (i.e., "paid") level of...

  • Web
    Gootip Brings Live Questions and Answers To Your Location

    A team of developers from a garage in France launched a location-based question and answer site today called Gootip. The service uses Google Places API tied with its own algorithm to specify where a question is being asked and tries to increase the relevance of the answer with users IP...

  • Web
    Project Slice Launches to Keep Track of All Your Electronic Receipts

    A new online service launches today that can help consumers keep track of all purchases from any retailer that provides an electronic receipt. Project Slice provides a free application embedded into the new Yahoo Mail upgrade called "All My Purchases" will aggregate all electronic receipts, record purchase history over time...

  • Web
    The Most Confusing Tech Term: 3 Reasons Why You Just Need to Get Over It

    I've learned one thing when writing about virtualization in the past few years. Most everyone I know has no clue what it means.It's more confusing than "the cloud," that other topic we cover quite a bit at ReadWriteWeb. For the sake of those who don't know, virtualization is really pretty...

  • Mobile
    New SDK: Microsoft’s Beta Mango Tools Out Today

    This morning, Microsoft officially revealed the future of its Windows Phone mobile operating system, a release known as "Mango." Now, the first set of developer tools to work with the new platform are being made available online, in beta format.For developers, these tools offer a major leap in the types...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Reveals More about Windows Phone “Mango”

    This morning in New York, Microsoft held a VIP Preview event showcasing the next major release of its Windows Phone mobile operating system (OS), known by its code name, "Mango." The press conference, intended for media and analysts, comes on the heels of a string of updates about the next-gen...

  • Mobile
    The State of iPad Usability

    The latest report from web usability guru Jakob Nielsen is about iPad usability. It's the second such report from Nielsen Norman Group and it features in-depth analysis about how people are using iPads. As is usual with Nielsen reports, it also lustily lists all the design flaws that his users...

  • Web
    Rackspace and Citrix: Virtualization for Smartphones and Tablets

    Rackspace is offering a hosted desktop virtualization service with Citrix that provides a way to virtualize all those tablets and smartphones that people are bringing to work.It also takes the burden off the enterprise, which is having considerable difficulty figuring out how to bring together the multiple parties that are...

  • Hack
    Tracking A Stolen Laptop

    I have had my laptop stolen once, about seven years ago, from the trunk of a locked car parked at a shopping mall. You never forget that experience of being violated, of being stupid. (And it seems to be getting more common, according to this story in the LA Times...

  • Work
    Social Network for Business Moxie Releases iPhone App

    Moxie, an enterprise social network platform, released an iPhone app for its Moxie Employee Spaces app today.Moxie started life as nGenera, but changed its name last year. The company invests heavily in usability research, and hopes its products will become the most user-friendly social media applications. Moxie offers both customer...

  • Mobile
    One-Click Buying Comes to Real Life with Square Register and Card Case

    Mobile payments start up Square has been gaining steam and it announced today the Square Register, a new tool aimed to ease the process of paying for items and for merchants to organize menus, sales and receipts.Square CEO Jack Dorsey announced at TechCrunch Disrupt the Square Register and Card Case,...

  • Mobile
    No Android Movie Rentals for Rooted Phones

    It appears that power users who "root" (take administrative control over) their Android devices will not have access to Google's newly launched movie rental service. The restriction has to do with "requirements related to copyright protection," according to this Android Market support article. Users with rooted devices will instead see...

  • Work
    “Big Memory” Company Terracotta Snapped Up by Europe’s Fourth Largest Software Company

    Today Software AG announced its acquisition of Terracotta, the sponsor of the open source distributed data cache for Java applications called Ehcache. Terracotta claims that Ehcache is the most widely used Java cache. The company sells enterprise support for Ehcache, as well as an Ehcache-based solution called BigMemory.Software AG is...

  • Mobile
    HTC Jumps on the Location-Based Coupon Bandwagon

    Location-based coupons are hot. There were rumors today of daily deals provider Groupon partnering with Foursquare to target deals at check-in users, and now an unlikely player, device manufacturer HTC, is looking into location-based coupons.In a podcast interview with GPS Business News, Cedric Mangaud, VP of value-added services at HTC,...

  • Mobile
    Miro 4 is Out! Introduces Android Sync, Home Network Sharing & More

    Today, the Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF) has launched Miro 4, an updated version of its desktop media player which now introduces a notable new feature: the ability to sync with Android phones and tablets.Previously, the software was used for finding, viewing, downloading and sharing digital media discovered through a variety...

  • Mobile
    Rhodes 3.0, Ruby-Based App Builder Adds Support for NFC, Windows Phone

    Rhomobile, makers of an open source Ruby-based framework for building mobile applications for major smartphone operating systems, recently launched the latest version of their toolkit, Rhodes 3.0. The updated framework has added support for NFC (near field communications), the backbone for the upcoming mobile wallet systems and more. Rhodes is...

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