Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Web
    Sickweather Analyzes Social Data to Map Illness Outbreaks

    There have probably been times when just a cursory glance at your Facebook feed or Twitter stream reminds you that it's flu season and plenty of your friends' status updates referred to some sort of sneezy, snuffly, achy, barfy condition. Thanks to mobile technology, that's something you can still do...

  • Work
    Acquia, Podio and Others Make Enterprise 2.0 Launchpad Finals. Who Should Win?

    It's almost time for another Enterprise 2.0 conference in Boston, which means it's time for another Enterprise 2.0 Launchpad contest. The conference will be held June 20 to 23, and winners will be announced on the last day. Past contest winners have included Baydin, CubeTree and Meetzi.The four finalists for...

  • Hack
    Mashape, the Marketplace for APIs, Moves to Beta

    When Mashape launched in private alpha last year, the startup described itself as the "Etsy for Cloud Services." The comparison may be apt: Mashape provides a community marketplace where developers can buy and sell their own APIs.But that's really just a small piece of what the company is doing, and...

  • Mobile
    5 Things Nokia Will Do to Succeed with Windows Phone

    Nokia CEO Stephen Elop appeared onstage at Qualcomm's Uplinq developer conference in San Diego this morning to talk about his five-point strategy which he believes will make Nokia's mobile ecosystem the most compelling of the top three: iOS, Android and Windows Phone. The mobile industry is shifting from a device-versus-device...

  • Mobile
    HTC Opens Sense UI to Developers with OpenSense & New HTCDev Program

    This morning at Qualcomm's Uplinq 2011 conference in San Diego, Peter Chou, CEO of HTC, announced the launch of HTCDev, a new developer program which opens up HTC's "Sense" user interface (UI) for Android to developers. The program's early partners include LinkedIn, Google Picasa, Gameloft and others, all of which...

  • Entertainment
    Qualcomm Asks: Are You Ready for Some Non-Gimmicky Augmented Reality Apps?

    Are you ready for some augmented reality (AR) apps that aren't gimmicky and pointless? So is Qualcomm. The chipset maker released its AR software development kit (SDK) for Android last fall and is preparing to launch an iOS version next month,  in addition to supporting Unity's game engine for cross-platform...

  • Hack
    Hack Smartphone Calling with the Thrutu API

    That joke about how your smartphone can "even make phone calls" is pretty cliche by now. But it raises the question: why hasn't anyone done anything to improve the state of voice calls on smart phones? After all, we're carrying around powerful computers in our pockets, but the technology involved...

  • Web
    Microsoft Brings Touchscreen to PCs & Laptops to Challenge Apple – But Will it Work?

    Today at the D9 conference, Microsoft unveiled the latest version of its Windows operating system. Code-named Windows 8, in a surprise move Microsoft is incorporating touchscreen technology into the Windows UI. Windows 8 will be used across a wide range of computing devices - PCs, laptops, tablets and more. One...

  • Web
    InVision Looks Like a Web Designer’s Dream Come True

    Creation of an attractive and compelling web app prototype is no small task, but a new startup called InVision offers a framework to do so that looks easy, fast and like a real pleasure to use.The service lets designers drop image files into its web interface, then create clickable hot-spots...

  • Mobile
    A World of Possibilities Open to Hewlett-Packard If It Licenses WebOS

    Speaking at the D9 conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. today, Hewlett-Packard CEO Leo Apotheker said that it is a possibility that WebOS might end up on devices other than what HP manufactures."It is certainly something we would entertain," Apotheker said, according to AllThingsD. About 130 miles south in San...

  • Entertainment
    iSwifter Enables iPad Users to Play Flash-Based Games

    Despite numerous pronouncements about the death of Flash, there are still plenty of games and videos that require it, much to the frustration of anyone using an iOS device to try to access those websites. But with the release of a new app available today, iSwifter will bring Flash to...

  • Hack
    Will The Real HTML5 Please Stand Up?

    My colleague Scott Fulton writes today on the Software Quality Connection website that the proliferation of browser versions and supposed HTML standards have created a confusing series of choices for browser baselines for corporate developers. Clearly, the baseline is no longer IE6, a browser version that Microsoft hasn't supported for...

  • Social
    Twitter Announces Better Search, Photo Sharing

    Twitter has just announced some photo news, as rumors circulating over the Memorial Day holiday weekend hinted it would. The big reveal isn't exactly a new photo-sharing or photo-storage service - Twitter will not be hosting the photos you Tweet now. But that doesn't mean that today's announcement is irrelevant...

  • Hack
    Two Ways to Enable iPhone Access to Enterprise Data

    Given the results of this recent McAfee report about how much information is on mobile devices, if your employees are using iPhones and iPads for business and you are in management or their IT department, you might be worried. Why? Because these devices are inherently insecure. Any file left on...

  • Web
    Google Launches Its Groupon Competitor, Beginning in Portland, Oregon

    We can't help but have a soft spot for Portland here at ReadWriteWeb, as several of our writers live there. And it appears that Google shares our belief that the Rose City is a good place to start a trial of a new service, as the company is launching a...

  • Social
    13% of All U.S. Internet Users Are On Twitter, Pew Research Says

    We know that Twitter has been growing astronomically. At the same time, Twitter is still an emerging service, growing beyond from its early adopter base to the Internet as a whole. Pew Research reports that from November 2010 to May 2011 overall Twitter use grew 5% and U.S. adult Internet...

  • Mobile
    Qualcomm’s New Snapdragon Game Pack Targets OEMs, Operators

    Qualcomm has announced the introduction of the "Snapdragon Game Pack," a collection of over 100 mobile games optimized for Snapdragon-based devices and its embedded Adreno GPUs. The goal of the new release is to highlight the advanced graphics capabilities of Qualcomm chipsets, and the mobile gaming experience they enable. It...

  • Web
    VinPass: Wine Lovers Can Now Check In

    Today a new social game called VinPass launched. It's an application for wine lovers to "share wine reviews, win badges and earn real rewards." VinPass uses the 'check-in' paradigm popularized by location-based social network Foursquare and extended into other areas by the likes of GetGlue (entertainment) and Foodspotting (food). In...

  • Web
    Lodsys Moves Forward With Lawsuits Against iOS App Developers

    Despite a letter from Apple lawyers last week stating that its licensing agreements protected iOS app developers, Lodsys is moving forward with its lawsuits against developers for patent infringement. Lodsys owns four patents that it claims app developers must pay to use, and in a series of blog posts today,...

  • Mobile
    BlackBerry Developers Can Now Write NFC Apps with New SDK

    RIM has released its BlackBerry Java SDK v7.0 into beta, which allows mobile developers to build applications for the new version of the BlackBerry operating system, BlackBerry 7 OS. Among other things, the SDK offers app developers device integration capabilities for access to the phone's features, including the magnetometer (compass),...

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