Results for "mobile"

We found 14384 results for your search.
  • Social
    2WAY Summit Preview: Who’s Leading the Future of Location?

    According to comScore, 16.7 million people used location check-in services in March 2011. More than 12.6 million of those people did so through their smartphones. The rise of the smartphone and location services are inextricably linked as platforms like FourSquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places and Google Latitude become mainstays in people's...

  • Mobile
    Can Windows Phone Make Take A Huge Jump, As IDC Predicts?

    The last smartphone forecasts are out, this time courtesy of research firm IDC and the predictions might be a bit of a surprise. Windows Phone adoption is expected to skyrocket between now and 2015 top the point that one out of every five smartphones shipped will come from Microsoft. The...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Launches Tools for Finding iPhone Apps

    Just because Microsoft has its own mobile operating system called Windows Phone 7, that doesn't mean it's above using the popularity of Apple's iPhone to attract new users to its up-and-coming Bing search engine. For example, this week, the company highlighted a recently added Bing feature called "auto app discovery"...

  • Work
    62% of Information Workers Already Work Remotely

    According to a new report from Forrester, 62% of information workers in North America and Europe work remotely. The report says that many clients are approaching the firm for insight on creating best practices for remote, mobile workplaces assuming these changes are part of the remote future when in reality...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: Will Users Go for New Game Rentals Service on Android?

    This week, game network WildTanget announced it will soon be testing out a subscription game rental service on T-Mobile's Android phones and tablets. Instead purchasing a game to keep, users will be offered the opportunity to rent a game for the day, for as little as 25 cents. If they...

  • Web
    Evaluation Checklist For Enterprise Microblogging Tools

    The enterprise microblogging and discussion marketplace continues to evolve, as this week announced new features and pricing. As we have covered in the past, Socialcast has been acquired by VMware, Yammer has partnered with Netsuite, and a number of traditional enterprise vendors are putting forth their own offerings in...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Releases Android to Windows Phone Porting Tool

    As promised back in April, Microsoft has today released an Android to Windows Phone API mapping tool for developers which will help developers port existing Android applications to the Windows Phone platform. Like its iPhone counterpart, the tool doesn't actually port your code for you automatically. Instead, what it provides is...

  • Web
    After 20 Years, Is The Website About to Become Extinct?

    One of the highlights of Internet Week New York, the annual Internet festival in NYC, has been the Digital Archaeology exhibit. It charts the evolution of websites and web design over the past 20 years: from the first ever website in 1991, the CERN site by the Web's inventor Tim...

  • Web
    Iranian Blogger Loses Appeal on 20 Year Term: This Week in Online Tyranny

    Hoder goes down for 20. Hossein Derakhshan, the Canadian-Iranian blogger known as "Hoder," has lost his appeal in Iranian court. He was originally sentenced to 19 and a half years last September, following his arrest when he returned to Iran. Now, that sentence has been confirmed, making him the blogger...

  • Technology
    MeeGo Conference – San Francisco – RoundUp

        Time to sit down. Dust off and reflect about the MeeGo Conference in San Francisco. This was the Second MeeGo Conference, the first one being held in Dublin (Ireland) back in November . As numbers go the event was a success, with the keynote being full capacity.  ...

  • Mobile
    How to Build Secure iOS Apps

    A new report from Forrester focuses on the topic of building secure applications for the iPhone and iPad. Given iOS's popularity among enterprise and consumers alike, it's important for developers to understand the best practices for ensuring that mobile apps handle sensitive data appropriately. This is especially true when building...

  • Web
    iOS 5 Running on iPhone 3GS

    With this week's introduction of iOS 5, Apple's next-generation mobile operating system, owners of older iPhones are curious as to whether or not their device will support all the new features. iOS 5 brings a number of exciting additions, including a revamped notification system, deep Twitter integration, an updated version of...

  • Mobile
    Apple Changes In-App Subscriptions Rule: Selling Outside App Store for Less is OK, Conditions Apply

    In Apple's new App Store Review Guidelines out this week, it appears the company has backtracked on its earlier plans to strictly enforce how mobile application publishers can sell subscriptions. In the earlier set of guidelines released February, Apple required any applications selling content through subscriptions to also make that...

  • Web
    Graphicly Reboots Its Web App, as the Future of Comics Looks to HTML 5

    I remember distinctly the moment during the official unveiling of the iPad last year that I knew I'd be buying Apple's new tablet device: it was during the demo of the comics app. I was sold. It seemed clear that this was the future of the genre.Now there are a...

  • Work
    The Best iPad Apps for IT Administrators

    Continuing our series on iPad applications for businesses, this week we take a look at apps for IT professionals. This is one category of worker most often tasked with doing remote work, often during emergencies. The tablet form factor is attractive to many grizzled system admins on the go, and...

  • Web
    Is the EcoPOD the World’s Greenest Data Center?

    HP introduced a new modular data center at HP Discover this week that resembles a double wide mobile home with a cooling system that the company says has 95% better efficiency than the monolithic data centers built over the past 20 years.The cooling system for the HP EcoPOD is designed...

  • Social
    The Social Web’s Dumbest Ideas

    Back in the salad days of ecommerce, I worked for a website that sold cars. Sounds a little odd but it worked, though not well enough to best its competitors, one of whom absorbed it. As the only marcom guy there, I was approached often for the inevitable side-projects my...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for iPhone & Android, May/June 2011

    In this continuing series here on ReadWriteWeb, we round up some of our favorite new applications for smartphones each month, specifically for iPhone and Android devices. This spring edition includes some major new launches on Android, like Netflix and Google Music, as well as some incredible technology leaps on iPhone,...

  • Web
    Kings and Queens Come to Life: Retelling History Through Apps

    How do you visualize your thoughts? Are your dreams more like a sit-com or a documentary? English historian David Starkey thinks his thoughts and work are best represented through mobile applications after seeing his book, Crown and Country, turned into a rich media app.The goal of Starkey's app -- Kings...

  • Mobile
    Android’s App Attrition Rate Much Higher than iOS: 32% vs. 19%

    95,000 of the roughly 300,000 mobile applications that have ever appeared on the Android Market are no longer available - an app attrition rate of 32%. In comparison, 80,000 apps out of approximately 500,000 (or 16%) created for iOS devices including the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch have similarly disappeared....

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